Mandatory Fortification - Key Concerns (VIDEOS)


June 2022: Public Health expert, Dr Randall on his observations from the fact finding visit in Chattisgarh 


May 2022: Public Health expert, Dr Vandana Prasad's observation post fact-finding visit to Jharkhand on the use of iron fortified rice 
डा. वंदना प्रसाद, जन स्वास्थ विशेषज्ञ द्वारा संक्षिप्त रुप से प्रस्तुत वीडियो में महत्त्वपूर्ण जानकारी साझा की गई है। ज़रूर देखें और आगे साझा करें


Aug 2021: Webinar: Mandatory Fortification, Boon or Bane: 


Nov 2021: Roundtable on fortification in New Delhi 

Conference organized by Bhartiya Krishak Samaj in New Delhi with participation of government representatives:            

